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Unipartner Fest 2019

June ended with the Unipartner Fest! We have gathered our excellent consulting team and invited several university students to celebrate the Popular Saints. It was a very pleasant reunion at the top of Unipartner headquarters where the sound of DJ Paulo DiLight was accompanied by tasty food and beer.


Arraial Unipartner 2019

Junho terminou com mais um momento de convívio, o Arraial Unipartner! Juntámos a nossa excelente equipa de consultoria e convidámos vários alunos universitários para festejar os Santos Populares. Foi um momento muito bem disposto no Terraço da sede da Unipartner onde não faltaram as bifanas e as minis ao som do DJ Paulo DiLight.

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Unipartner Headquarters

Lagoas Park, Rua das Lagoas Pequenas Edifício 5B 5º 

Porto Salvo, 2740-245 PORTUGAL

Unipartner Madeira

Rua do Carmo nº 25

Funchal, 9050-019 PORTUGAL

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Unipartner Abrantes

Rua José Dias Simão, Edifício INOV.POINT

Abrantes, 2200-062 PORTUGAL

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