Live Events Unipartner
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Live Events Unipartner

The evolution of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic brought to light the need for transformation and digital management in organizations. This new reality, alongside contingence measures, brought new challenges that are now being experienced by companies at global reach.

In the same context, Unipartner started a series of live events where we have shared insights, tools and methodologies that you can adapt in order to keep your business from slowing down before the new challenges it faces, and adopt an agile, innovating and efficient working culture in your organization. The sessions counted with Unipartner specialists from various service areas, as well as interviews to clients from both private and public sectors, that have implemented beneficial technological solutions in their operations with our help.

The themes were quite broad: ranged from change management and data security, to business and artificial intelligences, using technology to provide a hybrid resolution for business.

The first live event, began on April 14th, and spread into 3 sessions about Digital Enterprise Management , where we discussed innovating and efficient ways to manage companies during times of change, like the one we are going through in the present. Furthermore, the session of Safeguarding Enterprise Data Through the Pandemic, showed new ways of securing data, and how monitorization and automation can help maintain it.

In Serviço ao Cidadão no Contexto da Pandemia, we spoke with Sofia Carvalho, Vice President of Instituto dos Registos e Notariado (IRN) - Institute of Registration and Notary Affairs, whom revealed how the public sector can optimize citizen communication management. Moving on to May, Unipartner hosted 2 sessions regarding Microsoft Cybersecurity May, in order to guarantee data security whilst working remotely. These were: Plataforma end-to-end para trabalho remoto and Gestão híbrida de Segurança e proteção de ameaças com o Azure Security Center. We also made available 5 training videos and did 2 Workshop Microsoft Teams for advanced training, to level and perfect the knowledge of the latter platform in organizations.

Finally, we recently hosted Data & AI – Driving Data into Insights, that focused on the modernization of data infrastructure and its transformation into insights, for business volume growth as well as the strengthening of consumer relationships. This event had the presence of Rogério Nunes, IT General Director at Grupo Amorim, who showed the benefits of giving data main stage in the enterprise.

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Lagoas Park, Rua das Lagoas Pequenas Edifício 5B 5º 

Porto Salvo, 2740-245 PORTUGAL

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Rua do Carmo nº 25

Funchal, 9050-019 PORTUGAL

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Rua José Dias Simão, Edifício INOV.POINT

Abrantes, 2200-062 PORTUGAL

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