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BPCC fundraising lunch for Ukraine

The British Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (BPCC) hosted “A Gesture of Solidarity for the People of Ukraine”, a fundraising lunch which welcomed Mrs. Inna Ohnivets, Ambassador of Ukraine to Portugal, as well as the BPCC President and British Ambassador to Portugal, Mr. Chris Sainty.

The proceeds of the event were donated to “Rebuild Ukraine”, a charity cause to help the country.

Unipartner, as a sponsor and partner of the Chamber, joined several other chamber associates like Galp and KPMG to support the cause. Luis Neves, Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)'s CEO, and Margarida Sá Costa, from Altice Portugal, were guests at the Unipartner table, alongside Fernando Reino da Costa, President & CEO of Unipartner, Paulo Garcia, Luis Simões, Elisabete Chaves, Francisco de Rhodes Sérgio and Nuno Infante Alves.


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