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St. Martin’s Day Celebration 2024

The legend of Saint Martin is a touching reminder of kindness and generosity. It tells of a Roman soldier who, upon seeing a poor man freezing in the cold, selflessly cut his jacket in half to share warmth. This act of compassion has inspired the saying "In the middle of a storm, there is always sunshine” reminding us that hope can shine through even the challenging times. 🤝

In the spirit of this festive occasion, Unipartner celebrated St. Martin’s Day at our Porto Salvo and Abrantes offices to enjoy the traditional “jeropiga,” “água-pé, and, of course, the roasted chestnuts. 🌰

Celebrating these occasions offers a valuable opportunity for our team to come together and strengthen our collaborative spirit. At Unipartner, we value these moments to connect and acknowledge our shared experiences, helping create a positive and supportive work environment that empowers our team to thrive. ✨


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Unipartner Headquarters

Lagoas Park, Rua das Lagoas Pequenas Edifício 5B 5º 

Porto Salvo, 2740-245 PORTUGAL

Unipartner Madeira

Rua do Carmo nº 25

Funchal, 9050-019 PORTUGAL

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Unipartner Abrantes

Rua José Dias Simão, Edifício INOV.POINT

Abrantes, 2200-062 PORTUGAL

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