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Unipartner Christmas Family Party

We are excited to share a glimpse of the wonderful moments from Unipartner Christmas Family Party, where laughter and happiness filled the air at our offices in Porto Salvo and Funchal. ✨

The festivities began with a warm entrance by Santa Claus, who welcomed everyone to a day filled with holiday cheer. Our youngest attendees enjoyed activities such as face painting, a Christmas craft workshop, and engaging games that brought families together in the spirit of the season. In Funchal, we enjoyed the traditional "Carne de vinha d'alhos" and warm hot chocolate. The children had the opportunity to create their houses out of recyclable materials for the traditional Madeiran Christmas crib ("lapinha") that every year is exposed in the office. Meanwhile, a marionette theater in Lisbon captivated all our participants.

This celebration is a cherished part of Unipartner's culture, reflecting our commitment to fostering a sense of community within our organization. By bringing families together, we create joyful experiences that spread happiness and strengthen our values of collaboration and togetherness. 🤝


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Unipartner Headquarters

Lagoas Park, Rua das Lagoas Pequenas Edifício 5B 5º 

Porto Salvo, 2740-245 PORTUGAL

Unipartner Madeira

Rua do Carmo nº 25

Funchal, 9050-019 PORTUGAL

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Unipartner Abrantes

Rua José Dias Simão, Edifício INOV.POINT

Abrantes, 2200-062 PORTUGAL

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