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Unipartner's Accessibility Barrier Management Solution: Empowering EMPA, Enhancing Inclusion

In Portugal, statistics indicate that approximately 18% of the population struggles with basic physical tasks. Many people with disabilities find everyday activities constantly challenging due to inaccessible public spaces, information, and opportunities, impacting their life quality and their participation in society. Accessibility barriers remain a leading cause of social exclusion for over 1 million Portuguese individuals, including those with disabilities, older people, and people with limited mobility.


At the Digital with Purpose Global Summit 2024, Unipartner showcased its Accessibility Barrier Management Solution alongside EMPA (Estrutura de Missão para a Promoção das Acessibilidades). This partnership highlights the pressing need to address these accessibility challenges faced by people with disabilities. Despite advancements in accessibility legislation, such as Portugal's Council of Ministers Resolution No. 119/2021, significant implementation gaps still exist.


Recognizing the pivotal role of digital transformation in promoting greater participation and inclusion for people with disabilities, Unipartner's Accessibility Barrier Management Solution is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to accessibility. This solution offers a user-friendly platform for reporting these issues, accessible via smartphone. It allows users to identify the situation they are encountering by following simple steps.


This solution enables citizens to actively participate in creating a more inclusive environment. Through our joint efforts, Unipartner is committed to building a more inclusive society where everyone can fully participate.

Discover how Unipartner and EMPA are leading the way in accessibility. Learn more with our Case Study:

Watch the session presented by Unipartner Consultant Ricardo Morganho and EMPA’s Project Manager Sofia Nunes during Digital with Purpose here:


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